Nyota Ndogo addresses malicious rumours following goodwill gesture by Joho


• The musician refuted the rumours surrounding Hassan Joho's gesture towards her further encouraging individuals not to judge those who receive goodwill gestures. 

Nyota Ndogo
Nyota Ndogo

Coast-based singer Nyota Ndogo has recently addressed rumours suggesting that former Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho had provided her with food because she was considered 'less-fortunate'.

In a phone interview with Radio 47 on March 25, Nyota refuted the rumours surrounding Joho's gesture towards her further encouraging individuals not to judge those who receive goodwill gestures. 

Nyota clarified that the politician's visit to Taita Taveta was prompted by Ramadhan further explaining that the provision of food was not an act of charity aimed at the less fortunate but a part of the Ramadhan tradition of sharing meals with neighbors and communities. 

"Tajiri ni kina nani? Hakuja kwangu. Wacha nikuambie, alikuja taita Taveta akapeana chakula kwa sababu ya ramadhani. Na katika kila kitongoji kulikuwa na wakubwa wao ambao wanapeana majina na mimi nikaonaekana pia nafaa kuwekwa jina langu pale ndani," Nyota relayed.

The singer further asserted her right to accept goodwill gestures following the judgmental and negative comments online adding that people should not be judged for accepting food during Ramadhan or other communal events. 

"Ni kwa sababu ya mfungo wa ramadhani. Haikuwa chakula cha msaada ama cha wale ambao hawajiwezi. Wakati ambapo chakula kinaletwa kwa ajili ya mfungo wa Ramadhani acheni hata sisi tuchukue. kwani ni lazima sisi tupena, mbona na sisi tusipokee?

Watu wasiojiweza wanapewa chakula kila wakati. Na sometimes hata hizo zikitufikia kama zilikuwz ziwaendee bado tuapeana. kwa huvo watu waache roho mbaya. Na hakuna siku nishajitangaza mimi ni tajiri," Nyota emphasized. 

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