Late Charles Ouda's bff, Nick Ndeda, still heartbroken, taking a break from events


• Nick further revealed that he had adopted a grief process that involved meditation, introspection, and isolation. 

The late Charles Ouda with Nick Ndeda
Image: Instagram

Weeks after Charles Ouda's cremation, actor Nick Ndeda is still devastated following the sudden demise of his best friend Charlie. 

The actor has recently disclosed that he is still struggling to come to terms with the death of his best friend who passed away on February 3.

Nick shared a post on his social media saying he was sad and still grieving further saying he was not in the mood to socialize or attend any events and asked people to respect his decision and let him work through his emotions on his own and his own time. 

Nick further revealed that he had adopted a grief process that involved meditation, introspection, and isolation. 

The renowned thespian also explained that he was not depressed however he was sad. 

"My grief process involves meditation, stewing through thoughts and basically going through the motions alone. That being said, I'm sad. Not depressed. Just sad. Please allow me to be sad. I'm not hanging out and going for events for now."

"But we gon be alright," he added.

Nick Ndeda

During the memorial vigil for Charlie, Nick poured out his emotions in an emotional tribute where he disclosed the beginning of their relationship, further detailing the activities that the two would engage in together.

"Since 2008 I had known him... I admired how amazing of an artist he was but also appreciated the human being that he was.  it was always fun times, we talked about everything..." 

Sobbing, Nick expressed his profound loss, stating  Charlie's death had left a void in his life. 

"I really miss you, I really miss my brother, he was an amazing person," Nick had concluded.

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