If I had money my son would still be alive - Akothee


• Akothee expressed regret, acknowledging that her youth and financial constraints at the time prevented her from providing the necessary medical care for her son. 

Singer Akothee

Singer and songwriter Esther Akoth alias Akothee has recently shared poignant details about the loss of her second child, a son, many years ago. 

In a social media statement, the mother of five revealed that her son, Retreat Roberts Woody Otieno, tragically passed away at the tender age of eight months. 

Akothee further expressed regret, acknowledging that her youth and financial constraints at the time prevented her from providing the necessary medical care for her son alluding to that that led to his death. 

"Oh, sometimes I feel like my child would have survived if I had money to take him to the hospital.

As a young mother, I lost my handsome son at the age of eight months I am still sure that Retreat Roberts would be alive if I were maturely revealed, more, and had the money for medical treatment." Akothee recounted. 

While mourning her son the singer however did not reveal details surrounding the cause of death of her son.  But she used her platform to share a recent medical triumph involving another child

Previously the mother of five had disclosed that her son was laid to rest behind the family farm where she lived with her daughters and her ex-husband. 

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