Video of woman violently pulled out of car in Kilimani upsets Kenyans

• Shocking video of woman violently being pulled out of a car angers Kenyans

Video of woman violently pulled out of car in Kilimani upsets Kenyans

An undated video of a man physically dragging a woman out of a Mercedes Benz by force in what appears to be in Kilimani near the Sixty Six shopping mall has enraged Kenyans.

The undated video shows a man getting out of the passenger side of a Mercedes Benz before he opens the back seat door.

He drags a woman by her hands who appears to be protesting the violence.

Then he pushes her until she falls on the sidewalk, She tries to stand up but clumsily falls again risking being run over as the driver of the Mercedes pulls away.

The rattled woman dressed in a short black dress, a white hands bag, and baby doll shoes looks as the car drives off.

In the video, a bystander also leans on the passenger side of the door and even holds the man close the back door after the lady is pulled out.

He does not attempt to help her. He casually looks as the Mercedes leaves and at the helpless girl as well.

They appeared to have been in a dispute because the woman used her hands to indicate she was perplexed by his actions.

A woman recording the video is heard in the background calling it appalling.

Another man is then seen picking up her phone.

Kenyans have said they don't condone this type of behavior, calling for appropriate justice.

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