Machakos chief orders audit of pregnant women to cut abortions


• Ngomo said cases of women aborting and throwing foetus in Athi River town are worryingly on the rise.


Athi River Township assistant chief Martin Ngomo has said he will conduct crackdowns in his area of jurisdiction to ensure women who are pregnant are well known and a physical audit conducted by his office.

He called on the public to volunteer information to relevant authorities to contain cases of women aborting and throwing foetuses in Athi River town which he said are worryingly on the rise.

“I want to see all pregnant women in my sublocation deliver and have their children. If I find out that you don’t have that child, you will tell me where he/she has gone in case you were pregnant,” he said.

“With the audit, if the incident happens, we will definitely know who was pregnant and now is no longer and doesn’t have a baby. We will profile and investigate them,” Ngomo said.

He spoke at his office on Friday after residents of Njuguini estate in Athi River found a foetus dumped at a thicket along railway line.

Ngomo said passersby alerted local authorities after they bumped into the foetus as they went about their businesses.

He said police have launched investigations into the incident after the discovery noting that it belonged to unknown woman.

“Today, we had an incident of abortion, someone aborted and threw the foetus,” Ngomo told reporters.

He said members of the public alerted him about the foetus making him consequently inform officers from Athi River police station.

Athi River Township assistant chief Martin Ngomo addressing the press at his office in Mavoko, Machakos County on February 16, 2024.

Officers responded to the scene and removed the fetus to Shalom community hospital mortuary.

Ngomo said cases of women aborting and throwing foetus in Athi River town are worryingly on the rise.

He said Athi River Township ward is home to over 50,000 residents.

Ngomo warned women against engaging in illegal abortions.

“You don’t know that you could be aborting and throwing blessings. Some could be tomorrow's leaders, presidents, cabinet secretaries, leaders, among others,” he said.

He also cautioned men who impregnate women and disappear.

“Men who run away after impregnating women, you will stop it or move out of my sublocation. If you impregnate, you must take responsibility for raising the child and taking good care of the mother,” Ngomo said.

He said his office will work with both the public and relevant authorities to sensitize the importance of pregnant women attending clinics and show them where to seek maternity services while they are due for delivery.

“You must deliver once you are pregnant. We will follow it up. Let’s sensitize the public that abortion is illegal,” Ngomo said.

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