Single and unapologetic!! Female celebs who are unmarried

• These ladies are not married out of choice and not because of lack of options.

• They are a combination of beauty with brains.

Prominent Kenyans who are unmarried

Back in the day women were expected to live to a certain standard.

Life was outlined for them.

It was all about going to school, getting good grades, getting married, having kids, and growing old.

A bunch of women are however living their lives to the fullest by not following these 'rules' set by the society.

Below are women who are proudly single in their 40s

 1. Pierra Makena

The celebrated female DJ is among female Kenyan celebs still unmarried.

The mother of one is currently aged 42.

In an interview with Oga Obinna, she said she has not met her Mr Right.

dj pierra and daughter courtesy instagram
dj pierra and daughter courtesy instagram

2. Sheila Mwanyigha

Celebrated media personality Sheila is also enjoy her 'freedom.

Before you get it twisted, Sheila is not married out of choice.

In the past,she has turned down three proposals.

In a past interview she shared

In an interview with Milele FM, Mwanyigha disclosed that she rebuffed the first marriage proposal because the person was not right for her.

She turned down the second proposal six months to the wedding as the idea of relocating to Europe while her father had died did not sit well with her.

When the third proposal came calling, she had to turn it down simply because her love for him did not measure up to his proportion.

Sheila Mwanyigha
Image: Instagram

3. Neomi Nganga

Kenyan actress and radio presenter is also not married.

The award winning business woman is the brains behind 'Style by Neomi'

Neomi enjoy keeping her love life private.

She is currently in her late 30's.

Neomi Nganga

4. Shix Kapienga

We all love her humour.

She is also loved by many thanks to her captivating looks. The good news is she is still on the market.

Shix who turned 36 in 2023 is still waiting for her Mr Right.

Shix Kapienga
Image: courtesy


5. Kalekye Mumo

The former radio presenter is also among prominent Kenyan female celebrities who are not married.

Kalekye who is well known for her hosting skills now owns a podcast dubbed 'Conversations With Kalekye.'

Kalekye Mumo
Image: Instagram

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