Karen Nyamu responds to being locked out over 'rent arrears' rumors

• The Nominated Senator was alleged to be on rent arrears and therefore locked out of her house

Karen Nyamu

A couple of days ago, a picture of what appeared to be Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu locked in deep discussion with police officers and other individuals went viral.

She was wearing a yellow dress in a video dancing in her backyard. She was spotted with officers in the same yellow dress two days ago.

It was alleged that the individuals had been called in over a rent arrears dispute.

The claim has now been addressed by the controversial Senator in a video on her tiktok account.

On Thursday, February 8, Nyamu was doing a video doing a video call, trying to find out how her bae is.

Besides being mocked about missing her man Samidoh who is in the USA, the Senator was challenged by her fans to respond to claims she lives in a rental.

Many questioned why she would be in a rental as opposed to being a homeowner.

A user with the account name Monicah Wanjiru begged her to respond.

"Prezo am sad..wana sema unafungiwa nyumba please speak out we're hurt" she appealed.

The Senator replied "That can never happen to me in this life mama relax. We are too blessed."

Another mocked her, leading to an even fiercer reaction.

Tiktok account EDU4LIFE SHOWS AND EVENTS said "Karen Nyamu kindly be a homeowner like me I love you though"

The lawyer hit out at the individual saying'

"Weuh I dont like responding to everything someone tries to come up with or look like I'm bragging but I'm sure unajua mi si kasichana kajinga" to indicate she is brave enough to have already thought about owning her own home.

A third fan could not believe that a woman of her status in society was renting a home.

User Angel254 said "Kumbe hata haujajenga unafaa kua na nyumba yako sio kurent na hiyo kihele hele yote" she bashed the Senator.

Nyamu slammed her as well;

"hehehe tulijienga kitambo tukiwa hustler labda baba yako anaishi kwangu"

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