Why Anita Nderu and hubby are super ecstatic to be traveling without their daughter

• Anita is married to Barret Raftery

• The two welcomed their almost 2 year old daughter Kaya, in August 30, 2023

Barrett Raftery with his wife Anita Nderu with their daughter Kaya
Image: Instagram

Media star and digital content creator, Anita Nderu,and her hubby Barret Raftery are on an international trip and Anita couldn't be happier... well mostly because this is the first trip in a long while she doesn't have mommy duties.

The YouTuber through her Instagram stories shared how delighted she was to be traveling with her husband noting that in as much as she was happy she was still super anxious and weary about not having their toddler around

"Barret and I haven't had a trip together without Kaya for so long we didn't... like we didn't know how to act yesterday... and we still don't know how to act," started off the first time mom.

Anita went on to add that she was still acclimatizing to the idea of both of them being away from their toddler noting everything felt so foreign to her.

"I still haven't acclimatized to the fact that we are on a whole adult trip without her,"animatedly added the former TV host.

She went on to clarify that they did travel much last year but it was either with their baby or one parent would be left home to watch over her while the other gallivanted across the globe. Like when Anita flew to London To watch the Manchester Derby and attend Beyonce's Renaissance tour.

Anita Nderu with her husband Barret

"We did have trips away from home last year without Kaya but it was either I go or B goes. The only one we went without her was just one trip but we have been together every other weekend and trip pretty much.

So yesterday during the airplane ride whenever a kid cried I'd be startled and my motherly instincts would kick in and I'm like oohh wait that is not mine and I'd go back to sleep,"Anita excitedly narrated.

Finishing up Anita who was giddy with excitement and couldn't bother to even try and hide it remarked it was a breathe of fresh air getting time out from their insane responsibilities as first time parents. The digital content creator shared how elated she was noting she planned to enjoy their trip to the fullest.

"We slept the whole 9 hours! And now we are stuck with a 15 hour layover and we are just keeping ourselves busy. Let me tell you, I am so excited for this trip. We have had very minimal responsibility which is so unusual for us these days so yeah very exciting,"Anita said as her video came to an end.

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