Watch: Charles Ouda's famous son shares tearjerking video of the two together

• The late actor could be heard promising Kabugi that he would fight for him until the last day.

Brian Kabugi with his late father, Charles Ouda.
Image: Instagram

A poignant moment capturing a final embrace between former Machachari actor Brian Kabugi and the late Charles Ouda has been shared shortly after news of Ouda's passing.

Kabugi expressed his grief on Instagram using a white flying bird and a broken heart emoji.

The touching video, posted by Kabugi on his Instagram, showcased a heartfelt exchange between him and Charles Ouda, whom he referred to as his father, brother, and mentor.

Kabugi dedicated a moving eulogy to Ouda, describing him as a gifted artist and a free spirit with a free mind, stating, "

"Father, brother, and a mentor.A gifted artist, a free spirit with a free mind.Your light will always shine among us. Your impact will always be felt. Shine on your way master," he dedicated his eulogy.

In the video, Charles affectionately looks at Kabugi, expressing pride and love for him. "I'm so proud of you," he tells the young man. With visible emotion, Charles continues,

"This is your year. This is your decade. This is your time."

Holding his son's face with both hands, the actor appears emotional as they wrap their arms around each other.

Charles stresses his commitment to his son, saying, "From this day until my last day, I will fight for you," and adds, "From father to son."

The touching moment concludes with a heartfelt exchange of "I love you" pronouncements as they share a final hug.

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