Stephen Letoo mourns close pal with poignant message

• In a heartfelt tribute on social media, Letoo expressed shock and grief, calling Obed his pillar.

Stephen Letoo
Image: Instagram

Citizen TV senior political reporter Stephen Letoo is in mourning following the passing of his close friend Kaizer Obed, also known as Grand Muller Kaizer.

Obed, a digital marketer, succumbed to illness on Saturday, February 3, at St Francis Community Hospital in Kasarani. Letoo and Obed shared a strong bond, evident to their online followers.

In a heartfelt tribute on social media, Letoo expressed shock and grief, calling Obed his pillar. Letoo revealed that Obed remained cheerful and optimistic in their last conversation.

Obed Kaizer
Image: Courtesy

He commended Obed for managing his social media communications and keeping track of important records, including upcoming events.

Describing Obed as a professional and a University of Nairobi alumnus, Letoo wrote,

"One of my pillars is gone! When we last spoke, he was in high spirits. He had all my records and minutes, including that of all my upcoming events.

He managed all my social media communications, he was a professional University of Nairobi Alumni. Rest in Power Keizer."

Condolences poured in from online followers. Some are below:

  • Joshua Muimi: "We struggle too much for a life that can end at any time. Rest in Peace Comrade Kaizer Obed Grand Mullah."
  • Jacinta K. Lesiangiki: "Pole sana for the loss. I loved his charming and humorous posts. May his soul RIP."
  • Opande James: "May the young man Soul Rest in Peace Mr. Letoo🙏."
  • Oeri: "Pole sana chairman. This one has really hit us hard. Rest easy comrade."
  • Cheplish Naibei: "So sorry for your loss. May God comfort you."
  • Emmy Sipatoi: "Rest in eternal power. Stephen Letoo, sorry for the loss."
  • Hillary Cheruiyot: "Heavens needed him more.... R.I.P 😭😭."
  • Yasir A. Adan: "I can sense his absence from Facebook because I knew him and got used to his jokes online. We’ve lost a comrade and a cool soul."
  • Michael Waweru: "My sincere condolences, my brother. Only God knows why; it is well."
  • C Kip Philip: "Never met him in person, but it's like we've lived together all these years just because of his humorous posts and engagements on social networks. Rip comrade 🙏. Quite shocking."
  • Joseph Kariuki: "Pole sana. He was a smart guy."
  • Ronny Reagan: "Rest in Perfect Paradise Kaizer."
  • Wesley Bergkamp Ayora: "May his soul rest in peace."

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