KU students heartbreaking suicide note to girlfriend, siblings and his mother emerges

The note was addressed to specific people, and here are the messages to them


The contents of a letter written by a Kenyatta University student who committed suicide on Thursday, Feb 1 have been unveiled.

The 4th-year Kenyatta University student name withheld, allegedly committed suicide by suffocating himself with carbon monoxide from a jiko, owing to a misunderstanding with his girlfriend who wanted to call it quits.

The letter was shared on Kenya Gossip IG.

He indicated the same on the suicide note that he began addressing the woman.

"A letter to my girlfriend/wife to express my last words before my death" he began the heartbreaking message

He is alleged to have lit a charcoal jiko, closed all the doors and ventilation, and then took some sleeping pills.

Mentioning his siblings and mother Esther, he apologized profusely and acknowledged that they had tried to intervene to no avail

"To my brother especially Newton bro, you tried your best but it was impossible thanks" while appealing to him to be a father to his son.

To my mama, ulijaribu sana mama najua nimekuaibisha lakini pole nlikupenda sana mama ni ya dunia tu.

To all my friends nawapenda, thanks for your support goodbye, my people."


"I never saw this coming thank you for the good moments we shared, and for also struggling your efforts are noticed by me."

The student also shared a picture of himself crying moments before the act. He said that he was sad when his girlfriend took the decision to break up but accepted it.

" Loved you so much my love, but as you decided to part ways with me. I respect your decision, I believe that your people will take good care of my son"

He added he struggled with her reason for wanting to move on to get herself a better husband

"My instincts kill me that the reason you denied me is that you have moved on and you got yourself a better husband to be.

Good luck though remember that no one is perfect. " He warned

He went on to state that he couldn't continue living

I know very well that this decision I have made will be shameful to many people including my family at home.

But don't worry I can no longer continue to live this miserable life.

No one to be a shoulder I have not escaped responsibilities but I believe that you will handle Ethan to your best never give up my love I want to remind you that I love you and will love you forever though you don't deserve me, I can't take it anymore

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