Disturbing items found at home of suspects in Rita Waeni murder

• The two Nigerians were apprehended at a rented residence in Ndenderu, Kiambu county.

Rita Waeni Muendo.
Image: Courtesy

Detectives investigating the murder of Rita Waeni have recovered crucial items from the residence of Nigerian suspects who have been arrested in connection with the brutal crime.

The discovered items include a hatchet, a butcher knife, six mobile phones, and three laptop computers.

William Ovie Opia and JohnBull Asibor, found to be in the country unlawfully, were also in possession of various SIM cards from Safaricom, Airtel, and Telkom, along with a Kenyan identity card registered under the name Omar Mwamkwaju Juma.

Opia's passport had expired, and his accomplice informed investigators that he had lost his passport in the preceding year, 2023.

As the investigation continues, both suspects will be held in police custody for eight days to allow for the completion of the inquiry.

They were apprehended in a rented residence in Ndenderu, Kiambu county, following allegations of their involvement in the killing of Waeni in a Roysambu Airbnb along Thika Road.

On Sunday, detectives had made a disturbing discovery where they found a human head believed to be that of the murdered university student Rita Waeni Muendo.

The head was located in a dam in Kiambaa, Kiambu County, shedding light on the potential path the killer took after the murder on January 13 in Roysambu.

The remaining parts of her body were found wrapped in a plastic bag and sheet, placed near a dustbin.

"We have a human head believed to be that of the slain woman, but we will provide more details after the investigation," stated an officer involved in the case.

The police collected the head and some of Waeni's belongings, including her mobile phone, for preservation and analysis.

According to the police report, Mr. Simon Kang'ethe, Chief of Karuri, received information from the village elder, Joseph Thara of Kimuga village.

The statement added that a human head had been spotted floating in Ite Dam at Kimuga village, Kimuga sub-location, Kiambaa location (Map Ref BJ 505705), approximately 6 kilometers Northeast of the station.

Upon reaching the scene, police officers discovered a decomposed human head of an unknown adult female, floating about 5 meters from the dam's surface.

The head was wrapped in a purple female blouse and placed in a green carrier bag, secured with a stone.

Mystery still surrounds the killer's act of clipping off her fingernails after a postmortem, raising questions about potential evidence concealment from the killer.

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