Why Jua Cali keeps his kids away from the public spotlight

• The 44 year-old 'Bidii Yangu' crooner is married to Lily Asigo and the two share 3 kids together.

Image: Instagram

Veteran hip hop artist and music producer Paul Julius Nunda, better known by his stage name Jua Cali is opening up about why he rarely parades his family on social media as well as his hopes for his kids' future.

The 44-year-old 'Bidii Yangu' crooner is married to Lily Asigo and the two share 3 kids together.

Speaking to YouTube content creator Trudy Kitui, Jua Cali noted his decision was simple, he wanted to shield his kids from the limelight and allow them to be their own selves without being tied to their dad's fame,

He stated the need to give his family some sort of normalcy as they did not choose to be born in the spotlight but he chose to be there.

"As much as they are my kids, they are also human beings in their own right. They need to live their own private lives. I don't need to force Jua Cali into them," the veteran genge artist candidly voiced.

Jua Cali with his wife Lily Asigo.
Image: Courtesy

He went on to note that interestingly enough, he would love it if his kids chose not to join the music industry adding even if they did as a dad he would be okay with it and strive to support them to the best of his ability.

The Calif Records founder noted the best he could do for now was to ensure that they were shielded from the celebrity lifestyle as it comes with its own challenges.

"In regard to my family, naeza taka watoi wangu wagrow bila any influence ya mziki...Wakitaka kuwa musician well and good but siwezi taka kuwa expose kwa celebrity life na hao ni watoi.

Ni watoto wanaenda shule na ni lazima waishi kama watoi tu wengine," the father of 3 added.

Jua Cali acknowledged that sometimes he gets the urge to share glimpses of their happy life, moments together, or their achievements and even though he gives in and shares his family online he keeps the posts on Instagram stories as opposed to permanent posts on his page.

"Mara moja moja nItawapost kwa insta stories nini, but mi hujaribu s coz naeza penda tu waishi life zao tu vizuri bila issues," the artist said.

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