Dennis Ombachi shares traumatic childhood memory as he preaches importance of unity

• Ombachi is a award winning food content creator

Dennis Ombachi aka Roaming Chef
Former Rugby 7's player turned TikTok sensation Dennis Ombachi aka Roaming Chef
Image: Courtesy/ Instagram

Celebrated culinary arts content creator and former rugby 7's player, Dennis Ombachi aka Roaming Chef has emotionally revealed a core traumatic memory from his past.

While sharing the same, Ombachi called upon Kenyans to learn to be their brother's keeper and the importance of living as a community with unity.

The father of 2 shared how when he was just a toddler aged 7, his father received a letter compelling him to resign from his job due to ethnic profiling which he notes was a thing even before the 2007 post-election violence fiasco.

"Ethnic profiling is not new to my life, even before 2007 we had the 90’s. I remember I was around 7 years old when my dad received a letter asking him to resign or else they were coming for his head and our family just because we were from a different community," The TikTok sensation shared.

He went on to add the abrupt and forced resignation took a huge toll on their lives as his mom now became the family's sole breadwinner. They went from a comfortable 2 income household to cutting down on things and trying to make ends meet. But luck was on their side as a few good people helped keep them safe back then.

On how they navigated this, Ombachi revealed the family turned to selling 'mitumba' (second-hand clothes) which sustained them for a long while up until the fateful 2007 chaos erupted throwing them once again back to the pits of despair.

Dennis Ombachi aka the Roaming Chef
Image: Instagram

"We had a decent life before then, but he had to resign, and every responsibility was left to my mother, and the 'mitumba' selling business kept us going, well until 2007 when that also stopped," the father of 2 recalled.

The election violence rocked their family and threatened their safety but luckily, Ombachi and his family were able to experience the beauty of kindness. He recalls how kind strangers helped his mother by offering updates on the unfolding chaos and others who helped guide them to sanctuaries.

Drawing on his own experiences, Ombachi spilled how his heart bled over the fact that Kenyans even after experiencing that had still not learned from it and lacked the spirit of ubuntu. He emphasized the importance of living in unity and having a sense of togetherness pointing out how ugly tribalism is.

"I really pity our generation that is still divided by tribalism here, even here on the TL (X time line). Most haven’t experienced how quick the situation can turn ugly.

My experiences have taught me the importance of us all living as brothers and sisters because had it not been for a few good samaritans who in 2007 kept updating my mother on routes to use and where to go for safety we'd be talking another story," the former Rugby player opined.

Finishing up he noted that he used to avoid talking about such issues as he thought as a nation we'd learned from our past mistakes but it was evident that was far from the case.

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