Chipukeezy firmly supporting one of Andrew Kibe's most controversial opinions

• Over the years, Kibe has been called out severally, with people saying he should use his influence differently.  

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Comedian Chipukeezy believes that Andrew Kibe is a monster created by the industry. Making his comments on the Iko Nini podcast, the MC said that he at times agrees with Kibe's controversial sentiments.

Chipukeezy suggested that Kibe's view on feminism is one of the views he supports.

"Kuna vitu nyingine anaongeanga, mimi na take sides na yeye. I agree with him super. Like those things he says about feminism and how it has affected Industries in, Kenya, those things we have talked about how marketing managers...Vitu mob.

Kibe hufanya na unajua kwanini mimi najua ni facts, juu walimchukua, wakajaribu kumchezesha hizo games. So na yeye ni msee intelligent, ni msmart.

He is able to see. Then when he understood this craft of speaking out, he became a proper creation. So nobody knows, how to deal with Kibe."

Kibe has been called out severally, with people saying he should use his influence differently.  Among those who have told him off include Jalas, Mulamwah, Eric Omondi, and Akothee who have not spared the ex-radio presenter.

Kibe often speaks his mind, ruffling feathers on topical issues in Kenya.

"Andrew Kibe is a creation of the industry because...And this is how Kenyan industry works, it's just that Andrew Kibe bites them. 

They created a lion that bites them. Andrew Kibe was televised. Why? He was replacing somebody or something. It is a game in this radio business. They wanted him to speak like that. Coz those were the same things he was saying."

Chipukeezy added that they created a monster.

"Kibe was very rough, aliongea lugha hatujaskia, he was breaking Radio rules. They could no longer deal with him. Ni kuleta msee wa Kayoke Lavi akakuambia ukweli. Akakwambia hii spinach ya 100 unaeza buy ya ten bob. Na hapo ndo we hukulia."

Adding that things changed when Kibe took them on, "They are comfortable with him saying those things about others. But now it is like he has started saying this about their friends."

Chipukeezy says multiple offers in the media were because "they thought he is a clown they thought maybe he is an intelligent person, they thought he is not what he says."

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