Raila Odinga: Anyone taking circumcision seriously is a fool


• Controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna endorsed Raila's remarks on circumcision, expressing agreement with the Opposition chief despite their usual differences of opinion.

Raila Odinga

Azimio leader Raila Odinga criticized those who attach undue importance to circumcision during a speech in Teso North on Monday, addressing local leaders.

He expressed the view that taking circumcision too seriously is unwarranted, referring to it as a Kenyan Bantu practice with origins in religion.

Raila pointed out that circumcision is not universally observed among Bantus, citing examples from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, and South Africa.

He went on to say that anyone who considers circumcision a significant matter is, in his opinion, mistaken.

Raila condemned communities that elevate circumcision to a life-and-death issue and highlighted the unfortunate belief in some communities that one cannot be a leader if they have not undergone circumcision.

While dismissing the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) as primitive and foolish, Raila also connected the push for a new Constitution with issues related to circumcision.

He mentioned that the Teso community sought separation from Bungoma County due to challenges faced during the circumcision period, emphasizing the need to address such concerns.

Controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna endorsed Raila's remarks on circumcision, expressing agreement with the Opposition chief despite their usual differences of opinion.

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