Pst. Kanyari issues fierce warning to his congregation over offerings


• The pastor who has the tenacity of his kind despite being severely criticized has been in the headlines in the past when he was exposed for his plans to charge the believers in the infamous 310 scandal.

Victor Kanyari
Image: Courtesy

A new video has surfaced online showing the controversial pastor, Victor Kanyari threatening his believers who go to church empty-handed.

In the video, Kanyari was seen preaching about the believers who consider him as their father of Faith but they approached him with empty hands and asked them to stop that behavior.

Kanyari who is no stranger to criticism online that is harsh and controversial said that from the period of that undated sermon, he would not allow any believer who goes to attend his church to come empty-handed.

"This church, if you don't come with sugar and tea leaves and you bring me 200 or 500 shillings to eat, I will kick you out... If I am your father, you cannot come to see me empty-handed, I will not accept it. If I am your father, you should not come to see me empty-handed, I will drive you away and you will not stay," Kanyari preached in the video.

The pastor who has tenacity of this kind despite being severely criticized has been in the headlines in the past when he was exposed for his plans to charge the believers in the infamous 310 scandal.

In the expose made by Nyali Member of Parliament Mohammed Ali during his time as a journalist, dozens of people came forward and confessed how the pastor was deceiving them by paying them to act that he had prayed for them and that they had received miracles.

Despite the revelation that muddied Kanyari, he lay low for a while but emerged again and has been continuing his church services on television.

Truth be told, he still has many followers who obey him and see him as a spiritual father - but now the problem is that they are reaching out to him empty-handed which is a considerable problem for him.

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