Muthoni wa Mukiri: Most broke women don't believe they are

• The mom of one who is a motivational speaker has broached a topic that is rarely ever spoken about.

Muthoni Wa Mukiri
Image: Instagram

Social commentator Muthoni wa Mukiri is letting it known to women that it's time they take accountability for their situation financially.

Many Kenyans agree that relationships these days are transactional, and men left telling why they avoid such women.

Muthoni on her YouTube channel prompted the discussion with her own opinion; "2024 is a year we grow up. Make money my sister, it is you that is broke," she shouted.

She explained that depending on men to dish out money is what leads to cases where girls are taken advantage of, and their lives put at risk.

Most recently was the case of Starlet Wahu, who met a man on a dating app, and was later murdered when they met at an Airbnb. It is said that he blessed her with money and declarations of love.

Muthoni appears to suggest that omen put their lives at risk.

"So you are waiting for someone to come and save you from a stranger somewhere so in the meantime you are jumping from one married man to another in hook-up sites, doing the unthinkable to try to make a living.

And then think the reason you are broke is that you have not met a rich man. uh uh, the reason you are broke is because you are broke. Let's not talk about them and let's actually talk about you."

She needs this mindset cultivated this year

"And if someone can come to your life and save you, they're doing everything for you then you start thinking they are giving you something you can't give to yourself, you start treating them like a God they start doing whatever they want with your body, and whatever they want to you, yeah so please."

She added;

"Most broke women don't believe they are broke. they think they are dating the wrong guy. So when are you gonna start taking accountability for how your life is? how your life looks," she pleaded.

Her opinion elicited sharp reactions. Some are below;

gracekiiru51...Don't Judge unless you in their shoes some. After graduation still couldn't find a stable job watch out

miss_karewamugo...People are not ready to hear and accept the truth ...if I am broke I am broke

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