This is all her! Arrow Bwoy credits Nadia Mukami for the success of Love&Vibes festival

• Arrow Bwoy credited Nadia for the shows success revealing that during the planning process.

Arrow Boy & Nadia Mukami
Image: Instagram

Kenyan artist Arrow Bwoy is heaping praises on his baby mama, fellow artist, Nadia Mukami over the success of their Love and Vibes festival that was held over the weekend in Eldoret.

Arrow Bwoy credited Nadia for the shows success revealing that during the planning process he almost gave up countless times but Nadia stuck to the course working tirelessly to ensure their events success.

Following this, he went on to encourage people to be smart while choosing partners and always ensure the person they are with can come through for them when needed.

"What I said is till infinity!" Started off the new dad speaking about his relationship with Nadia.

He went on to gush over his baby mama and her immense contribution to the success of their show noting that at times him and the team would at times think of giving up but Nadia never even thought of quitting as an option.

"You all see this lady here next to me? This beautiful lady, never underestimate her. This event, you see it standing and being a success? She has struggled with it! This is all her.

Sometimes we used to give up like completely but she didn't," Arrow Bwoy added.

Nadia Mukami with her baby daddy Arrow Bwoy.
Image: Instagram/Nadia Mukami.

The 'Kai Wangu' crooner went on to share tidbits of relationship advise encouraging people to be careful while choosing their partners. He encouraged them to ensure they choose partners who can lift them up when they are down and take the reigns from them when needed.

"When searching, make sure you look for a partner who compliments you and can come through when you can't. Like someone who can lift you up," Arrow Bwoy candidly said.

Finishing up he went on to heap praises on his baby mama highlighting how deeply he was proud of her and loved her.

He assured her that they were on the right track to building a successful empire as he noted he always sees her efforts and truly appreciates them.

"Mama Kai big up to yourself. I love you so much, I have seen your effort and what you have done and you know when we continue like this we are going to build a very successful empire. I don't take you for granted every effort you put forth I see it,"said the artist emotionally.

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