Akothee happy she didn't move to Omosh's home

• The mom of 5 has also advised women on how to get respect from men.

Akothee with Omosh
Image: Instagram

Renowned Kenyan musician and entrepreneur Esther Akoth aka Akothee has advised single mothers to strive to have their own assets.

In a statement on Monday evening, the 43-year-old artist noted that a woman with her own house, her own gate, and her own car has more freedom in her life.

She pointed out that having wealth gives a woman respect, not only for herself, but she also gets respect from men.

"A woman who owns her house knows where her heart is. A woman with her gate knows where her mind is. A woman with her car knows where she is going. She can go at any time, she can also come back at any time,” the musician wrote on her Facebook page.

She added, "Single mothers, this is the only way to earn respect not only from men but also for yourself. A sweet little house where you run to hide when the world is going down, a place where you hide your children from the world's troubles."

The mother of five advised single mothers to think about organizing themselves first before doing things for men because of love.

She used the story of her broken marriage to explain the importance of a woman having her own property and not depending on any man.

"Before you take a loan to build your own business, build your house first, soul. Let the blood run wild, love later.

Don't you see that I have been left with a house of pigs, pigs, chickens, and the rest? If I were to live with him? What would I leave with if not only the freedom bag?" she said.

Akothee also asked people not to imitate her ways of life but to learn from her actions. In recent days, the 43-year-old musician seems to have rekindled her great friendship with her manager Nelly Oaks.

This is after her marriage to Denis 'Omosh' Schweizer suddenly hit rock bottom, just two months after their wedding.

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