Lillian Ng'ang'a and Juliani remind Kenyans of their lovely bond with cute post

• The couple is famously known for rarely posting images with each other except on select special occasions.

Juliani with Lillian Ng'ang'a
Image: Instagram

Lillian Ng'ang'a and her hubby Juliani have both posted the same cute photo of themselves hanging out together at a club.

In the post, the musician could be seen hugging the beautiful businesswoman from behind as they both smiled while facing the camera.

The caption added more flavour to  the wonderful photo which read, "Jana ♫♫playback with Juliani Kenya."

Lillian Ng'ang'a and Juliani together.
Image: Screenshot

The couple who rarely post images of themselves together announced they were dating on September 3, 2021. Juliani met Lillian had met at an event organised by their close friend Boniface Mwangi back in 2021. 

They later solemnized their love through a wedding in February 2022 and got a baby boy later that year.

Lillian had broken up with her longtime partner, Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua in 2021.

In a statement released on her Instagram, Lillian revealed that she ended the relationship two months prior to the message being posted in August 2021.

Juliani for his part revealed that he met the love of his life Lillian when he was celibate and was not looking for love. Their meeting was unplanned just like their love story.

"I was celibate at that time I did not want anything to do with women because I was in a very good space.

But things took their own shape but people tried to make it look like something it wasn't and that is sad."


"I met her randomly last year, we started talking about stories on consciousness and spirituality."

Juliani said that women were not like clothes to be stolen.

"You can't steal someone's lover, it doesn't happen like that. People like suck kind of allegations and they will push the lies but that's not how things went down."

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