Chebet- I was admitted in a 'mental' hospital for two weeks

• Chebet has never shied away from talking about her battle with depression and anxiety.

• She is currently not dating.

Actress Star Chebet
Image: Courtesy

Kenyan content Creator Star Chebet has revealed she was recently hospitalized in a mental institution for two weeks.

Chebet has never been shy about talking about her battle with depression and anxiety.

In an interview with Massawe Japanni, she shared

"I was admitted to a mental hospital for two weeks. I did not go willingly.

I got migraines for four days consecutively. My family asked me to go get checked.

I would be treated, fed, and just rest. It was an institution where people just wanted to maintain some mental sanity.

Right now I am in a good place.

It was not a big deal, I do not see myself as a celebrity.

I started getting migraines in Class 7."

Chebet says being brought up by a stepdad also made her anxiety worsen

"My mum came with me to her marriage.My relationship with my step-family was not easy. Being an outsider and a misfit was not easy.

My stepdad was not ready to be a dad. I feel like he was never ready to embrace me.At some point my mum became single. I do not know where my stepdad went to.

Depression and anxiety came from that."

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