KRG The Don flaunts sh30million mpesa expenditure

• KRG has been super busy with work

• He is a big spender.

KRG The Don

Money is no object to singer KRG The Don.

The 'Mambo Imechmeka' singer flaunted his hefty Mpesa statment, in a show of might whole bullying his best friend Dufla Diligon to show off his as well.

"Dufla diligon how much have you spent" he laughed

He shared a screenshot of how his mpesa app looks like that totaled sh30,106,324.73.

The statement showed what he spent that money on over the last twelve months.

Most of it was genrral expenditure accounting for 65 per cent of the 30million.

Here is a breakdown:

General sh19, 441,472.65 - 65 percent

Family and friends sh10,434,714.26  - 35 per cent

Withdrawal sh 227,087.82 - <1 per cent

Bills and services sh2,900.00 - <1 per cent

Transport and travel sh150.00 - < 1 per cent

The last time KRG aka Bughaa flaunted money, it got the attention of KRA who tagged him saying they need their cut.

That was in August. He was ina  vehicle, talking about how he declined a deal worth sh90million because it wasnt enough.

"Without 100m I cant sign any deal with any betting company nimeshaa wa warn na mapema kabisa mi ni bughaa" he boasted.

KRA posted the Bible verse Mark 12:17 (And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” And they marveled at Him) and said the message should get to the musician.

"Mark 12:17. Ifikie KRG ^KT," KRA tweeted.

KRG has not been active on his social media, and on Sunday Nov 5 explained after a query from his employee who was washing his car tellign him that he is missed by other friends.

He put it down to being super busy "Niko busy kazi haitaki kelele, ni kazi" he shared reassuringly.

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