Diamond: Why it seems like Naseeb Junior is my favourite child

• The singer recently raised eyebrows by going all out for the son he shares with Tanasha unlike his other kids.

Diamond Platnum with Naseeb
Image: Instagram

Diamond Platnumz was recently interviewed by assembled media after jetting into Kenya before his amazing Octoberfest performance at the Ngong Racecourse.

As is the case, the question of his baby mamas came about with one journalist asking the father of 4 whether he ever stayed with his kids.

The 'African Beauty' singer denied this sentiment saying that all of his kids stayed with their mothers.

"As a proud dad, there are times I take them and spend time with them," he replied.

He was also asked about the notion by some that he might like Naseeb Junior more than his other 3 kids. The charismatic singer cheekily defended his behaviour saying that the boy was his last born and that was why he treated him as such.

"You know the others have been enjoying me for much longer...He is much younger than them and you know that comes with kubembeleza. His brothers and sister also love him," he said without ducking the question. 

He was also asked about his great relationship with Zari's boyfriend, Shakib Cham to which Chibu stated that it was something good.

"It's good, it's something positive and we don't want to be like people in the past but we want to show how positive we are. It also shows that a man from East Africa has wisdom and smarts."

Lastly, his great friendship with baby mamas Zari Hassan and Tanasha was also noted with one journalist asking how he was able to accomplish that feat.

"I think it's just dedicating your time because no matter how busy you are, you must get time to spend with your kids," he finished.

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