Is body count a deal breaker in a relationship? Kenyans respond

• Body count refers to the number of people one has had sexual relations with.

• To some people this is a none issue while for some it is a deal breaker.

Couple dating
Image: Photos For Class


Is a person's body count history important?

For those in the dark, body count refers to the number of people one has had sexual relations with. 

Mpasho posed the questions to it's fans and here is what they had to say.


djshiti_comedian: Start with someone from where you met mambo ya alfa ulela wachana nayo coz the truth is if you truly love someone itakuuma... Na funny enough wanaume ndiyo huanza hizi story😂

lord_dullah: Sugar will always be sweet even if you find it open , this statement is not about sugar 

legalbabygal: I gave up when I met a single mum who was married a virgin.

grace_oketi: Hamtaki wako na experience 😮mtu anauliza body count yako anataka kubuy nini nayo?

m_e_lisah: Ukinipenda Bora nipende na hzo body counts zangu juu after all utadu😂

chemutai_kosgei: Would you prefer being operated by a surgeon with experience from only one surgery previously? 😏

sausalito_012: Actually kwa females tunaangalia vibaya sana.

karungikaaria: Men exaggerate their body count upwards to demonstrate desirability and women exaggerate downwards to demonstrate chastity... The point is most of us lied about our body count before entering relationship.

m_e_lisah: Kuambiana ukweli sikuhizi imekua msee anakuambia yake ni tatu 😏 just think for your self and multiply that three by 100😌 nobody has a body count of 10 and below 😂

comedian_mitch: When you go to a swimming pool, don’t care who swam before you, who will be swimming after you or who you are swimming with, just concentrate on your swimming. Ahsanteni sana

__mugambi__: Nikisema kwa interview nilikuwa fired from 40 jobs na mwengine aseme 2 jobs, nani red flag hapo?

jose_chikunde: Yes, body count is a big deal for men. Before getting into a new relationship men focus on women's past while women focus on men's future. So if her past has a lot of men, we walk.


Is a person's body count a deal breaker for you?

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