IG Koome explains Kawira Mwangaza's alleged arrest


• Police did not arrest Governor Mwangaza – IG Koome clarifies

• He noted that the governor who spoke after the incident only protested heavy police presence at the event, not an arrest.

Kawira Mwangaza
Image: Dennis Dibondo

Inspector General Japhet Koome now says that the police in Meru did not arrest Governor Kawira Mwangaza, as was widely reported.

In a statement on Thursday, Koome said the Meru governor voluntarily boarded a police vehicle.

The IG said she also alighted.

"The National Police Service wishes to refute claims that police arrested Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza on October 18, 2023, and clarify to the public that the Governor of Meru on her volition, boarded a police vehicle and thereafter voluntarily disembarked from the same vehicle," Koome said.

He noted that the governor who spoke after the incident only protested heavy police presence at the event, not an arrest.

"The governor in her press release dated October 18, 2023, does not mention that police arrested her, other than that there was 'heavy police presence' in her meeting."

Koome reaffirmed the Police service's commitment to upholding the constitution in discharging their duties.

Mwangaza was arrested while allegedly conducting an Okolea program in Ruiga Central in Imenti.

According to the governor, the police officers had 'detained' her in the police car.

She, however, faulted the authorities for failing to proceed with the next steps of the legal processes after her 'arrest'.

"I am under arrest. The police officers hawataki kunipeleka Station kufungua mastaka.  I have been held in this police car for two hours now," she said.

"It is disheartening to witness needless curtailment of development efforts meant to help the vulnerable in our community. Such intimidation should not be allowed to obstruct progress in the Meru community." 

The county boss said the law enforcers were sent to interfere with the implementation of the program.

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