Esther Passaris- I had my first child at age 32

• Passaris daughter Makena is now a married woman.

• She is a mother of two.

Nairobi Women Rep, Esther Passaris

Kenyan politician Esther Passaris now says she had her first child at 32.

While speaking to a group of teenagers, Esther encouraged the girls to focus on their education and enjoy their childhood.

"I had my daughter at 32. Nowadays with technology, you can even get a child at 50 there is no need to rush. I can't even remember who my boyfriend was in high school, I did not even know where he was."

You might have a guy you think is cute, but once you get pregnant as a teen he will continue with his education and you won't.

You are here to study, we do not want you to become mothers before your time. Enjoy your childhood."

Months ago Passaris in a heartfelt birthday post disclosed that her daughter Makena is all grown up and is now a wife and soon to be a mother as well.

"Happy, Happy Birthday to my wonderful daughter, Makenna. I pray that the good Lord grants you a long, healthy, and prosperous life, blessed with all that your heart desires and more. You have achieved More highs than lows in these 27 years. "

In a series of pictures, Passaris showed how her daughter having her first dance with her husband, whom she did not name.

Passaris stated she was looking forward to being a grandma.

"You have earned your first degree, found love, moved to another country, and established yourself in your career. And now, you are about to embark on a new journey as a mother. I love you and thank God for the miracle of being your mother. Happy Birthday baby girl. #mummyinwaiting"

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