Gathoni Wa Muchomba- My dad beat me up for being the best student in Kenya

• Wamuchomba grew up with an alcoholic dad.

Gathoni Wa Muchomba

Githunguri MP  Gathoni Wa Muchomba says her dad beat her up thoroughly after she performed well in her exams and featured on the newspaper.

Her dad could not understand how she would appear on a newspaper without his permission.

Speaking during an interview with Kameme FM, Wamuchomba says at the time her dad was clueless that his daughter had been a candidate.

'My dad came home after work one day.

He passed by the Kijiji (village' and it is there he was shown my photo on the newspapers.

He did not even know I was in Class eight.'

Wamuchomba says her dad was an alcoholic hence the cluelessness.

"Most time he would keep asking me what class I was in, and I would say Class 4.

That day he drunk and demanded to know who gave us permission to be on the newspapers.

He threw us out of the house despite the fact that it was raining."


'We had to wait till he started snoring so we could go back to the house.'

The former Radio Presenter advised parents not to negatively talk about their partners to their kids.


"A therapist told me If you carry your problems negatively you can become depressed, some end up taking their lives.

That is why I talk about my experience.

My message to anyone with a drunk husband like my dad, never speak ill about him to the kids.

My mum never spoke ill about my dad, she told me once we grew up we would understand the whole scenario.

Let a child grow and decide for themselves which parent they would want to support."

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