Maina Kageni's reaction to report indicating 50% of university students are hooked on drugs

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• More than half of university students are hooked on multiple substances and drugs, pointing to a huge crisis in the country's institutions of higher learning.

• Among the drugs mostly abused by the learners is Rohypnol, the 'mchele' pills used to drug people in clubs, saliva tests conducted by researchers from Kemri and two universities show.

On today's Morning Conversation on Classic 105, Mwalimu King'ang'i and Maina Kagemi had an interesting chat with their listeners with the big question being "When did you start drinking alcohol".

The conversation had been ignited by a report that revealed that at least 50% of University Students are hooked on Alcohol and other drugs.  

Is it because of peer pressure on campuses or did they start drinking at an earlier age and got addicted? the big question was asked.

The duo added; "When did you start drinking and who introduced you to it?" a question directed at their listeners. 

Some of the listeners confessed that they started drinking back in class 3 and are still drinking but responsibly.

A listener said "Nilianza kukunywa nikiwa class three, na nilifunzwa usikunywe kama hujajipanga kwa hiyo ingine... Mungu alaze huyo mzee pahali pema aliniitroduce na kunifunza kuwa responsible.

Below are some of the tweets from the morning show.

@BaristaKayvoh·14m#MainaAndKingangi Maina. Lemme tell you if I could rewind time I shouldn't have taken that first sip .. alcohol used to be disgusting to o me but back then I was naive and adventurous so I just sipped when it was offered t me by my uncle..the rest is history

@GOVERNORKAHUHO1was introduced to alcohol by my girlfriend simply because she was older than me and it was after I'm done with my KCSE. I started with Chupa mbili za white cup and since then weuweeee kuacha ni ngumu...though I'm alter boy lakini huwa nakunywa chini.

Although some people said that alcohol only caused havoc and misery to their families and decided never to drink again.

Most of the listeners were proud that they abuse drugs and later made comparisons that at least they only drink they don't abuse other drugs.

Maina Kagemi concluded that parents don't monitor what their children do. They pressurize their children a lot so that they get relief from drugs.

The Classic 105 presenter finished the show by saying" We need to take this situation seriously"

More than half of university students are hooked on multiple substances and drugs, pointing to a huge crisis in the country's institutions of higher learning.

Among the drugs mostly abused by the learners is Rohypnol, the 'mchele' pills used to drug people in clubs, saliva tests conducted by researchers from Kemri and two universities show.

The study, which used both self-reported history and saliva tests for validation, confirmed the disturbing trend where many young addicts are dropping from university, while others never graduate after failing to sit some exams and continuous assessment tests.

Sociologists suggested universities should set up in-house rehabilitation centres.

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