"I once cheated on my husband but he forgave me," caller confesses Maina

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• Are there any faithful men in Kenya? Do you think a man can be faithful to one woman.  Read below to know if our men can remain faithful or not.

Maina Kageni
Image: courtesy

Radio guru Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i had a fascinating conversation revolving around faithful partners during the Morning Conversation. 

The question of the day was whether Kenyan men could remain faithful.

"Which man can wait for a woman? Is there a Kenyan man who can wait? And do you believe your man has been 100% faithful to you?"

The morning conversation was inspired by yesterday's conversation where one woman remained faithful to her husband who was looked up for 13 years.

The duo wanted to know if the men could do the same.

Maina was of the opinion that men can never be faithful to their women no matter the circumstances while Mwalimu King'ang'i supported the men and said there were faithful men.

Maina Kageni: There is nothing like that!

Mwalimu King'ang'i: Some men can wait! They can wait for their women to finish studying and working abroad while caring for their children. 

A caller had this to say;

Maina my husband alinipeleka ushago nikajifungue, he didnt bother kunitumia pesa za upkeeping or kuuliza nimejifungua mtoto gender gani,nikirudi nyumbani nilimpata akona mwanamke mwingine. These men can never be faithful to any woman."

The next one added;

"Maina wewe ndio uunajaribu kucomplicate vitu, uliona wapi mwananume akitosheka na mwanamke mmoja, kama kwa bible tunaona King Solomon alikuwa na 700 wives and 300 concubines sasa mimi ni nani nikuwe na msichana mmoja na tumeonyeshwa kuwa polygamous."

A caller added;

"Maina I think I got a jackpot husband, I've been with my husband for 21years and I can assure you he hasn't cheated, I have access to his phone every day and during the weekend he stays home than mambo ya kuenda clubbing or business meetings. I've been random and cheated once, he knew where I went and who I was with but he forgave me, I live in a nice mansion in Karen and I drive a better car than him. There are good men to there I can vote for him."

The last caller said;

"Mwanume ako faithful ni ule ako kwa kaburi kwa sababu haezi amka akaenda, mwanaume faithful ni mwanaume hajiwezi yeye hana nguvu za kiume ndio maana haezi tafuta mtu mwingine, mwanaume faithful ni ule maski n i hohehahe lakini mwanaume anajiweza hawezi kuwa faithful wao huwa hapa na pale lazima wazunguke kila mahali akitafuta hapa na pale."

Some listeners decided to share their views on Twitter, below are some of their tweets.

@Brianfavour3-Hello Maina, for me I dated my wife when she was in form 2 while I was in form 4. I joined the campus later she joined. Honestly, we stayed loyal to each other. We waited for each other tukamaliza campus. Now we're 4 years happily married.

@simba_sheldon-It strongly depends on the bond and trust between your marriage and partner my bae has been out for 3years have waited for her by December she will be here 

@mosy8019-Men and faithfulness is as far as EAST is from WEST. Very few men live with their families if they work away from home. I have seen men who had married immediately after burying their wives and you wonder about the memory of their deceased wife

@itskipandrew-Nowadays people are making decisions fast si kama kitambo. That fear of ameenda kupatana na mtu huko nje makes me kutafuta mwingine haraka sana

@Paulbanks007- orning truth be told it's hard for men reason being women are emotional beings and when you disconnect with her and she gets another man who gives her attention she immediately moves in that direction hence when a woman goes away men assume it's done.

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