Jeff speaks on difficulty having children

'I don't know if the machine wasn't working...' Jeff Koinange candidly admits about tough journey to get a child

• The famed broadcaster also explained how concerned late president Nelson Mandela was about Jeff getting a child.

Jeff Koinange
Image: Instagram

Media personality Jeff Koinange is for the first time opening up about the difficulty he had siring a child with his wife Sonia.

Jeff while getting candid on the Engage Talk Show, described his frustration at not being able to impregnate his wife.

He was speaking about his pride in coming face to face with the late Nelson Mandela at a press conference where he got the opportunity to ask a question.

The late SA president told Jeff that he recognized him, mentioning how his grandfather was a chief. Then Jeff moved on from that conversation to reveal little-known details about their pregnancy journey.

"Hold that Mandela thought for a moment. That time my wife and I had our greatest challenge, in that time was having a child. I don't know if the machine wasn't working anyway." (waving off that thought)

They sought different interventions He caused laughter in the audience and continued, "My wife and I tried everything, IVF, the whole shebang, it wouldn't work for the longest time. We were invited to friends' houses', there would be kids, in the yard playing, swimming and it was tough for us," he said disclosing their heartache.

Jeff Koinange with his wife and son
Image: Courtesy

In the midst of their challenge, a friend offered a solution. That advice was their saving grace.

"A friend told us of a clinic in Barcelona, Spain, and we went there and sure enough it happened and our son was born on July 31, 2007."

Even the late Nelson Mandela would ask him about having children, "He would ask me, have you gotten me a grandson yet? I would tell him, Mr. President we are trying."

Mandela asked Jeff if he needed help to which the Citizen TV presenter chuckled, "This guy spent 27 years in prison, he wants to help me out? " Jeff and Sonia got a child seven months after this hilarious question.

He called his office to announce the news that they had a son. "I called his office and told them can you tell Madiba that we finally have a son, and he is 8 months old, we are heading back to Nairobi? Can we bring him for Madiba to bless him?"

His request was accepted. The late Mandela touched his son on the cheek, "I have a photo of him if you don't believe me, and they bonded. Unbelievable," he proudly said.

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