Arrow Bwoy and Nadia Mukami flaunt killer dance moves at JKIA

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

•The couple is seen dancing to a Luhya song where they fail miserably because of their dance moves. 

Nadia Mukami with Arrow Bwoy
Image: Instagram

In a recent video, Arrow Bwoy is seen dancing to Isikuti to a Luhya song as he received his soon-to-be wife Nadia Mukami at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport yesterday. The couple is seen dancing in merry and attempting to copy the professional dancers.

The happy couple didn't care that they had two left feet or people's continuous stares at their failed dance moves and happily did their jumping without a care for the world.

Both were happily dancing for various reasons, Nadia for finally coming back home and winning the awards and Arrow Bwoy for finally seeing his fiance after a long time of missing and craving her presence.

The two have been dating for about 3 years and have had some thoughts of marriage which is yet to happen after Arrow Bwoy pays the dowry price.

The musician had gone to receive Nadia after she had traveled to the USA for the Afrima awards in which she was awarded the best female East African musician.

Below is the video of their dance encounter at the airport.

Upon arrival, Nadia Mukami opened up and stated that she would be releasing her next song on the 6th of October and urged her fans to listen to it.

In a statement, she said, "6th of October nina nyimbo mpya na Darssa so make sure you watch out for that."

The new song will be a collaboration between her and Tanzanian Hit musician Shariff Thabit Ramadhan aka  Darassa.

She added that before the year ends we will hear wedding bells and doesn't want people taking photos at her wedding.

"Sitaki camera kwa harusi yangu please."

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