Jimal Rohosafi flies to Turkey for pricy second hair transplant

• The wealthy entrepreneur has always been open about his hair struggles.

Jimal Rohosafi
Image: Instagram

Matatu businessman Jimal Rohosafi is in Turkey for a hair transplant procedure. This is the second hair transplant he is undergoing.

A video of him in a medical facility in Turkey showed him looking positive and happy.

Jimal was to have undergone the transplant but postponed owing to COVID. "I'm going for the second session. The last one," he announced promising to share before and after pictures.

"Best Dr. in the world ranked for hair transplant………Soon he will be in Kenya and Africa. Anasema nimtafutie mtu Kenya nifanye connection ama?" Jimal delightfully ended as he shared photos in the cosmetic clinic.

Turkey is said to be a hub for a variety of cosmetic procedures. Zari Hassan was recently there to fix her teeth.

Hair transplant procedures tend to cost approximately $4,500 (Sh 664,920). Hair transplants in Turkey involve extracting hair from a donor area (usually the back of the head, but also the beard and other areas if necessary) and implanting.

According to information on several clinic websites in Turkey, medics transfer roots from the area that is resistant to shedding to the region where hair loss has manifested itself.

Roots are usually taken from the nape area. The reason for taking roots from this area is the presence of the DHT hormone in the hair on the nape. Since the person’s own hair follicles are used in hair transplantation, rejection is not an option.

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