Shon Arwa suspicious about Nairfeys ex husbands intentions to her friend

Shon Arwa explains why she is not happy with Nairofey's reunion with ex-husband

• Nairofey and Yeforian reunited recently

• Shon Arwa and Nairofey were rumoured to have once again ended their friendship before Shon relocated to the UK.

Shorn Arwa and Nairofey end beef.

Content creator Shon Arwa has very strong views about her best friend Nairofey reuniting with her ex-husband Yeforian.

The two were alleged to have once again ended their friendship before Shon relocated to the UK.

Shon jetted back into Kenya on Wednesday, Sep 20, and on her mind was mending fences with Nairofey.

Before boarding her flight to Kenya, Shon told her fans that she needed to iron things out again 

"Let's go to Kenya and see my bestie. It's going to be such an amazing journey there is going to be a lot of emotions, the uniting, speaking out, openly and sorting issues out here and there" she spoke about her plans.

In a new interview with Mungai Eve, Shon dispelled rumors

"That thing about following each other and what people don't understand is that Nairofey Instagram was hacked and permanently deleted"

It was done anonymously

"Was it her YouTube, no it was both. I was following her there, and someone anonymous hacked it, how dare you do that to my best friend! Shame on you. So all the followers, all of us who were on that page tulipotea," Arwa castigated the individual.

Shon does not follow Nairofey on her new accounts "Coz I know her personally. At times I dont have to really know her we si unajua Beyonce? Does Beyonce follow you? I'm not really in this new one so we decided to grow separately. But tunajuana in real life. We have a particular target so we said you grow your channel, let me grow mine, tupatane. Tukipatana then we can do something together."

Does this mean there is beef?

"No, no, no. I don't have a grudge against Nairofey. I don't think she has any grudge against me anyway, But what I would just say is that at times we dont have to always be together online. You dont have to always see us together"

"And plus I'm in the UK, she is in Kenya. It's not easy to tupatane kila wakati"

According to Shon, rumors of beef arose from envy among other issues.

"Our relationship is just like any other relationship. The only diff between me and my bestie is we decided to put our relationship online. We would overpost ourselves pale online. So when peopel realized we no longer post each other, there arose rumors of why,".

Netizens claimed;

"I don't think she was ever happy. I think she was. Maybe she was a little sad that her friend was going. It's normal and natural for someone to feel like oh anaenda ananiacha" 

Shon; "Let's put it out for the first time like this, and I hope this comes out in the most respectful way. Nairofey is my friend. The husband is not my friend, coz when you hurt my friend, you stop being my friend. So I'm not the biggest supporter of his and until today, I hope this is not gonna make it to the I still believe he is back to finally finish her,".

"Like that's what I'm gonna say, but she's still my friend coz I hear people say I'm a bad friend for letting her go back to her ex. No, no. Nairofey is an adult, she is entitled to go online and say we are back together. People do forgive each other,".

Just like Kenyans, Shon was unhappy with the reunion

"Our guards were up, we were rooting for her, we were crying, but it's not really, heh guys ebu tuwache hio stori. It's not really easy to come between two people, who are we to judge them, maybe they are working on their relationship, and maybe the guy has changed, maybe this time round at muauplift" she explained her caution.

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