Police arrest woman in connection with Eric Maigo's murder

• Eric was seen in the company of three women on the night of his murder.

• He had 25 stab wounds.

acting finance director at Nairobi Hospital Erick Maigo.

Police have arrested a woman in connection to the murder of Nairobi Hospital's finance director Erick Maigo.

Cynthia Lusega Andalo who was arraigned under a Miscellaneous application is to be detained for five days pending investigations.

According to the police Cynthia was among people who had been sent cash by the deceased.

She was also among three women who had accompanied him to a newly opened club on Ngong Road.

Eric is said to have gone to a club on Ngong Road where he met three women among them Cynthia.

CCTV cameras seen by the police showed Eric walking out of the club with a woman suspected to be the main suspect in his murder.

After that, they went to a club in Kilimani road before going home around quarter past 10:00 PM.

His lifeless body was to later be discovered.

Both knives found at the murder scene had Andalo's fingerprints.

It is not clear whether the knives were used simultaneously or not.

At the time of his death, Maigo, aged 26, was not married.

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