Why Burna Boy is threatening to quit music

• However, he said that he may take strategies to follow in the footsteps of the artist Rihanna and return with a bang in the quality of income in music.

Burna Boy
Image: Instagram

Afrobeats musician Burna Boy has threatened that he may have to leave the music industry citing that the music business is difficult for him due to low income.

Through his Instagram Stories, Burna wrote saying that in the next short period, he will have to sit down and evaluate his musical life and if he does not see any positive signs then he may have to give up.

"With the figures that I see in this contract, these coming years of my musical career I think are about to show me if I really like to make music. God probably really wants to test me if I like music,” the singer wrote.

Burna Boy screenshot
Image: Instagram

However, he said that he may take strategies to follow in the footsteps of the artist Rihanna who has been away from the industry for many years.

"I may even bounce on y'all with a bang to all of you like Rihanna," he added.

According to American magazines that closely monitor the movements of African artists, Burna was once quoted complaining that although he is doing well, as the amount of money he gets from the distribution of his music is low.

In the year 2022 towards this year 2023, he earned a reported 300 million dollars but it was stated that in the past 3 consecutive years, his wealth has never increased even by one percent.

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