Bernice is a friend to Samidoh and Edday

'Stop jealousy and competition' Bernice Saroni advises side chicks

• Bernice is currently hosting Samidoh's wife in the US.

• She is a single mum after partying ways with her husband.

US-based Kenyan music promoter Bernice Saroni
Image: courtesy

Bernice Saroni is a close friend of Edday Nderitu and Samidoh.

She is currently hosting Edday and her three children in America where they have been since March this year.

Bernice speaks a lot about relationships and advises women on how to handle challenges.

On Sep 7, she spoke openly to women about the types of side chicks there are.She classified them in two.

She blasted the second type of side chick calling her the most dangerous in any marriage.

"There are 2 types and there is one I don't like at all. The first one likes to stay a secret. She doesn't like the wife to know about her presence. She dates the married man and minds her own business" she begins the video on TikTok.

Bernice also goes by the moniker MamakeBoyz.

"Then there is the second type of side chick - pepo- a destroyer full of jealousy, competition, that one will make her presence known, she will abuse the wife, you are left wondering, why are you abusing the wife?

The wife doesn't look for you, you went looking for her. You are the homewrecker, she is just chilling at home minding her business, Girls why are we fighting each other?" she posed.

Bernice added

"If you have decided to be a side chick you are number 2. This man at the beginning he told you, and that's why I love men.

That he is married he has children, he never said he would leave his wife for you. So why can't you go there and just keep quiet and mind your business? Coz if you believe in yourself that you are beautiful you cannot date a married man" she blasted women.

She urged women to love and value themselves and not be involved with married men.

"You will not be a second wife, and you will get your own man Side chick type 2 stop jealousy and competition at the end of the day it will cost you your peace" she pointed out.

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