East Africa's most loved wife has found out something that Kabi does that is terrible

Milly unearths Kabi's terrible financial secrets that could end his friendships

• Milly found out that Kabi repeatedly gave money to his male friends without asking them to repay him. 

• One friend has received at least Sh150k from Kabi but never repaid. 

The WaJesus Family
Image: Instagam

Milly  WaJesus had tough questions for her husband Kabi in a YouTube session discussing their finances.

Milly found out that Kabi repeatedly gave money to his male friends without asking them to repay him. 

One friend has received at least Sh150k from Kabi but never repaid. 

An unhappy Milly accused him of not consulting when dishing out money to his boy squad from their joint savings account.

They argue and Kabi accuses Milly of wanting to know too many details about why money is being lent to his male friends. 

"To make it worse the guy -kabi- has his own account, his own money, why are you getting the money that you are giving your friends from our joint account? It doesn't matter the amount," Milly says

He tries to pray about their argument but Milly stops him.

"That habit of praying in the midst of an argument, that's sin. When you have upset someone, before you you pray, go and make peace with that person, and then come back and pray. That tactic of yours, you start praying in the midst of argument is a sin"

She sets a rule that he must consult and set a maximum of Sh10k instead of Sh150K.

"Because it's become a habit. Kwanza what makes me even more mad is that you lend to people who've refused to give back your money. they already have another loan. why are you like that? Too much kindness, It's not good for business."

He protests but she ignores him.

Milly then announced to Kabi she'd personally handle the loan refunds. "I want to go to those people nataka kuzifuatilia"

A shocked Kabi begs her not to fearing it will end his friendships with people who owe him money.

"No way. No. No. No. I cannot let my wife go to start dealing my business." expressing his fear

"No, me I'm a respectful person," Milly says about how she will handle things

"Let me tell you something love, NO " Kabi tries to be firm.

"Hiyo nafuatilie. I am going after it," Milly forcefully tells him.

"No. BTW let me tell you wives are the ones that break most relationships. Utaharibu, how do you call someone and ask them for the money I loaned them? Maybe hata wife hajui," Kabi adds

He continues "You cannot bulldoze. One, do not call anyone I have lent money, I will deal with them. Please do not get involved,".

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