Aside from money, Kenyans share what makes them happy


Can happiness only be attained through money, or are there other things that can bring joy to one's life?

Chito: Kwambox
Image: Intagram

A huge number of people feel like money is what makes them happy to the point of forgetting that other things can also be a source of happiness.

This was part of the topic of discussion on today's Morning Kiss with Chito and Kwambox at Kiss FM.

"Apart from money, what is that one thing that would make you happy?

Happiness is like a constant need and it is something that you work on every day. One day you have something that makes you happy but tomorrow something else makes you happy.

Money is the only thing that makes us happy, this is what the majority of Kiss FM listeners said.

Nothing makes you happier than money but some of them actually have things that make them happy.

A caller confessed that hearing Kwambox speak makes him happy, without the need to see her.

The Kiss FM listeners shared things that make them happy, here are some of the things;

Caller: Success makes me happy, being successful makes me feel great each and every day.

Austin Njuguna@Austin_mkikuyu:·A girlfriend and obviously being at Old Trafford bosire@bosire1014799:·Hiyo pesa that you just mentioned

vinny@vinny_xv:More money1


5Top plugger254@omulama:Eating

Brayo@marumours·: Another load some of cash

ᴀᴅᴀᴍMᴀʀᴛɪɴᴇʟʟɪ: When I stay away from my family is what makes me happy

Mamamish@Mishmaina2When am with my 2kids and they are healthy no pain makes me happy

iam-briank:@chitondhlovu & @kwamboxApart from money, Having good physical and mental health plays a significant role in overall happiness. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep contribute to well-being.#chitoandkwambox

You can share what makes you happy in the comments section;

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