Maureen Waititu opens up on going back to the Bar


• She studied law and is a lawyer but hasn't been practicing it.

•She is also an actress, YouTuber, content creator, TV host, and Mom.

Maureen Waititu
Image: Instagram

Digital influencer Maureen Waititu says that she will be coming for the paradise of justice and she'll be practicing law soon.

During an interview with Mpasho, she made it clear that she intends to return and wage a battle for righteousness through her excellent work.

"Are your fans looking forward to maybe seeing you in the corridors of justice or helping someone in regard to your line of practice?" The interviewer asked.

The Lawyer says, "Yes definitely, I am coming back for the paradise of justice but to do the good work I am already doing."

She also continues to elaborate on what exactly she is going to focus on when she starts her practice.

She is going to do something that impacts women's empowerment, the FGM voices, teenage pregnancy, and awareness.

The social media personality will also be sharing her personal journey as part of the project called "Caterpillar to Butterfly". It focuses on nurturing youth while they are still young and instilling a positive mental aspect, guided by the motto.

 " I am who I am and I have a background but it doesn't determine who I will become tomorrow."

The mother of two obtained her law degree, however, she has abstained from practicing after becoming pregnant.

She took a sabbatical that was to take three to five years after getting pregnant but extended it when she got another baby, then later she quit her job.

The actress said that she wanted to grow and have a strong bond with her kids which later took long.

During the interview, She tells the fans to expect something for she is working on it and she will never let go of the law because that is who she is.

For now, she is a little bit conscious and when it's done she will definitely be back to being a lawyer.

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