4 things Mama Olive occasionally reminds herself as a single mom

• Mama Olive is a single mother to 3 toddlers (all girls)

Mama Olive with her 3 daughters.
Image: Instagram

 Digital content creator, fitness enthusiast and award winning photographer Tatiana Karanja popularly known as Mama Olive has listed 4 things that she has made her mantra as a single mom.

According to the mother of 3, the singleness does come with a wave of loneliness and heaviness and over the years she has mastered a few technics to help her cope.

In a lengthy Instagram post, Tatiana shared her coping mechanisms in a bid to help others in her shoes.

"Let’s be real, being a single mum is hard and it can often feel really lonely so on those days that I’m feeling the weight a little more, I remind myself of a few things and I thought I’d share a few;

1. Strength in Independence: I am literally always reminded off my incredible strength and resilience. I am capable of handling any challenge that comes my way, and I am proud of the independence I have cultivated. Please keep reminding yourself of this too 💖

2. Unbreakable Bond: Being a single mum has truly allowed me to develop an unbreakable bond with my kids. Obviously you don’t have to be a single mum to experience this but it’s been a true part of this experience for me. We have a unique connection and rely on each other for love, support, and companionship,"part of her post read.

Mama Olive with her 3 daughters.
Image: Instagram

She went on to add;

"3. Role Model: I have the privilege of being a role model for my kids. And to be quite honest I’m so glad that I get to be the role model. They witness firsthand the dedication, hard work, and determination I put into providing for them. I am teaching them the importance of perseverance and setting a positive example for their future. Sometimes they don’t always understand but one day they will look back and be so proud of me, I know they will!

4. Supportive Village: While I may be a single mum, I am never alone. I am surrounded by an incredible support system, including family, friends, and other mamas. Their love, encouragement, and understanding remind me that I am part of a strong and caring community.

I know we all walk a different journey with this however I just wanted to remind you that we are capable of achieving greatness and providing a loving and nurturing environment for our kids. And always remember that You are doing an amazing job! 💖🌟 #SingleMumPride,"the last of her beautiful post read.

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