Young Kenyan men share experience dating older women

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

Dating older men and women is becoming a common trend in the young generation, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

and Mwalimu King'ang'i
Maina Kageni and Mwalimu King'ang'i
Image: Instagram

 Maina Kageni has expressed his disappointment in both the younger generation and the older generation.

 He didn't understand why the older generation wanted to date men/women older than them.

  The topic was inspired by a trending article that was in the standard digital last weekend, the article talked about how older women are very interested in young men.

 Below are experiences from callers who have dated younger/older spouses

One caller had this to say:

"I am 26 and I'm dating an older woman, my friends and family don't know about it and I can't tell them...Economy ni mbaya I cant tell them wataniambia niwachote, huyo mumamaz hunispoil kila wiki hunitumia 10k natumia wazazi an kuwadanganya niko job."

Another added that:

"My mbabaz is 60 and I'm 24 I have no problem with it tunaendaga an yeye Quiver an sina shida kuonekana an yeye."

When the duo asked if he loves the man or is after his money she was proud to say that she only loves the guy because of his money. 

Some other caller contributed to the conversation by saying:

"Dating a young generation is like Russia, these young women want a lot of things like Gilbey's ya 1,500 shillings older women only want kahawa ya 200 shillings an ako sawa. dating young women is expensive for nothing."

A caller said that he once dated an older woman but left her and decided to get married to a young woman he regrets the decision he made and claimed that the young woman doesn't have any vision he prefers older women who have a vision and are supportive.

The caller added to his disappointment in marrying the young woman by saying that in his next life, he will want to marry the older woman with a vision and if he comes to die he knows his children will suffer.

The fantastic duo finished the show by saying that they were traumatized by the entire conversation.

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