Jimmi Wanjigi is a tea tottler

Jimmi Wanjigi quit drinking at age 25

.He quit the bottle at a young age

.He has advise on the same matter

Jimmy Wanjigi
Image: Courtesy


Businessman Jimmi wanjigi is a man of few words.

The illustrious politician was hosted to a chat by Dr Kingori on NTV Friday August 25, where he shared with Kenyans his views on wealth creation.

In part of their discussions, Dr Kingori wanted to know from Wanjigi about people who get success early in life and being judged for being too young.

The 60 year old said part of his success he owes to mentorship. He was also a good listener,

"We've had this conversation of there's a certain age where you can actually say you have money someone put it at 52, anyone below that akikuambia ako na pea they are lying" alleged Kingori

Jimmi disagreed saying "I dont quit agree with that coz I dont know where age come with that. Age and maturity are two different things. There are people who make it by even 35, 38 the key thing is maturity. It's possible if there could ..it depends on ones character. If you are exptremely disciplined and you matured at a very young age and were able to be clear about the course you want to take you can achieve it"

"But you must work on yourself it.s not impossible you must work on yourself, because when you work on yourself you are able to do many things. "

"I will give you an example, At the age of 25, I quit drinking alcohol. Right? I refused to take pombe anymore. "

Did something happen that prompted him to decide to become sober?

"No nothing happened." laughing hard about it, Wanjigi added there is no testimony about his quitting alcohol.

"Nothing happened I just wanted to change my lifestyle. I was tired that every weekend every what sijui what, tuko hapa Sunday tunakunywa pombe, tunakula nyama "

He was even tired of club hopping, a habit that Kenyans have of moving from one club to another in one night

"Infact in this building there was another club I used to come here called Luks. Now I can tell you at 25, that meant that the friends I had at 25 my agemates at 25 now started disapating because I was no longer the fun person when you join them. "

"So you start looking for a different conversation. people who are at a different level. at 25, the people I was associating with were beyond 40. The greatest thing was that I learned lessons very fast"

He was then mentored where he picked up tips and tricks from conversations with beneficial people, that pushed him into a different lifestyle.

" By the time I was 30 in comparison to my agemates I was doing very well."

His advise to young people?

"Go and spend time with people where you will learn even one vital lesson. It will open your mind to so much. And Kenyans are very quick he said about the brilliance of citizens.

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