How the arrest of Mathe Wa Ngara exposed the huge number of youth abusing drugs

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• Research done by Kemri and two universities revealed that 50% of university students abuse drugs and that they started using the drugs when they joined campus.

• The research showed that most students started abusing drugs due to peer pressure and since the drug commodities were easily accessible what was once a first-time drug turned into a lifetime addiction.

Weed smoking
Image: Pintrest

For the past one week, the famous Mathe wa Ngara has been trending because of her drug (cannabis) business.

The rising news related to Mathe wa Ngara led to the investigation of how much of an impact she has on the country and its citizens.

Thanks to her we got to know how many people are addicted to taking drugs and how it has affected their lifestyles in one way or the other.

Research done by Kemri and two universities revealed that 50% of university students abuse drugs and that they started using the drugs when they joined campus.

The research showed that most students started abusing drugs due to peer pressure and since the drug commodities were easily accessible what was once a first-time drug turned into a lifetime addiction.

During the research, it was reported that the commonly abused drugs were weed, Rohypnol which is commonly known as 'mchele' and alcohol.

The research conducted used both self-reported history and saliva tests for validation, confirming the disturbing trend where many young addicts are dropping out of university, while others never graduate after failing to sit some exams and continuous assessment tests.

In one of Maina Kagemi's morning shows at Classic 105, he spoke on how women are leading in drug consumption and have no shame in abusing drugs.

The ladies just take them openly and even choose weed over their marriages and relationships clamming weed can't heartbreak them.

Although not directly, people assume that Mathe wa Ngara may be the main cause of the increase in drug consumption in the country.

Some of her supporters deny the claim that she is involved in the rise, they all agree that she is just doing her business.

It's the people that have a problem since they can't do without drugs and that led to her identifying a business opportunity to match the sudden demand.

Whether Mathe wa Ngara is actively responsible or not for the rise of drug consumption we as Mpasho will let you know.

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