President Ruto stuns in Maasai attires as he connects with their culture


• President Ruto is expected to officially open the inaugural Maasai cultural week.

• The event which coincides with the annual wildebeest migration is being held at Sekenani, Maasai Mara in Narok.

President William Ruto (centre) ,Kajiado Governor Ole Lenku (right) and Narok Governor is Patrick Ole Ntutu posing for photo at Sekenani, Maasai Mara on August 22, 2023 .
Image: PCS

President William Ruto on Tuesday rocked Maasai traditional attires after he arrived in Narok.

He is expected to officially open the inaugural Maasai cultural week.

The event which coincides with the annual wildebeest migration is being held at Sekenani, Maasai Mara in Narok.

Upon his arrival, he was received by Narok Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu, Jonathan Leleit of Samburu, and his counterpart Ole Lenku of Kajiado.

He boarded a game drive-like vehicle together with Governors Ntutu and Leleit.

A few minutes later, President Ruto changed his maroon kaunda suit and dressed in full Maasai attire.

President William Ruto at Sekenani, Maasai Mara on August 22, 2023 .
Image: PCS

The Masai community of Kenya wears a traditional, attractive, admirable dress code. This varies depending on age, gender, place, significance and occasion.

The 'Shukas’ are wrapped around their bodies and a lot of colorful beaded jewelers are placed around their necks and arms, accompanied by sandals that are soled with tire strips or plastic.

They obtain beads from local raw materials. White beads from clay, shells, ivory or bone. Black and blue beads were from iron, charcoal, seeds, clay or horn. Reds from seeds, woods, gourds, borne, ivory, copper or brass.

The President also wore flat sandals and carried a rod.

President William Ruto enjoying a game drive at Sekenani, Maasai Mara on August 22, 2023

The Maasai cultural week brings together Maa-speaking tribes from Narok, Kajiado, Samburu, Laikipia, Nakuru and Njembs of Baringo.

Governor Ntutu who is hosting the event said the festival is part of an initiative to boost tourism activities as well as raise the revenues.

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