Kumbe! Ex-NTV host Tracy Wanjiru has a two-year-old child

• She is a former NTV's Teen Republik presenter and ex Capital FM radio personality.

Tracy Wanjiru
Tracy Wanjiru

Former NTV's Teen Republik presenter Tracy Wanjiru has announced that she gave birth about two years ago.

The ex-Capital FM presenter shared a video captioned 'When you can no longer keep it a secret,'  when buying baby diapers at a supermarket. Wanjiru described it as the best two years of her life.

"......In the best HOOD ever, MOTHERHOOD!Where shopping runs end up being 85% your child’s (ok maybe more😅), where your bag is no longer yours (acts as a secondary storage space for your child’s toys and other items they see valuable), where your YouTube playlist is no longer what you used to jam to and is now replaced by the best melodies and where your body is no longer the same because you carried and birthed a little angel which is a true symbol of the embodiment of your strength, resilience, and devotion."

She added that being a mother is the best thing that has happened to her.

"I am grateful to God every day that He chose me to carry this great responsibility, this greatest act of selflessness and to enjoy this true labor of love. I used to hear this all the time, that being a mother is the best thing that will ever happen to any woman, but I wasn’t prepared for how true it is and also much more it truly is. I love being a mommy. If you didn’t know now you know ."

Fellow celebrities have congratulated her for the best-kept secret.

"Whaaat!!!😂😂😂😂😂 how did you pull that,,,, best secret keeper goes tooooo you❤️❤️I agree motherhood is the best feeling ever ❤️❤️❤️❤️Congratulations 👏" wrote Celestine Gachuhi.

SharonKmwangi added, "Haha literally the best-kept secret ever! Congratulations again and again hun."

In a previous post, Wanjiru applauded herself for finally finishing her undergraduate after ten years.

"I did it, I did it, I really did it! After exactly 10 years, I’ve finally finished my undergraduate program. I’m so proud of myself because this has been quite the journey! What are you proudest for achieving this year?📸."

From us at Mpasho, congratulations on both wins!

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