Azziad's lawyer on way forward if Brian Chira apologised to her

• Azziad's lawyer also spoke on whether her client would be seeking monetary damages.

Azziad Nasenya vs Brian Chira
Image: Instagram

Yesterday TikToker Brian Chira was in police custody and appeared in Kibera Law Courts. He was charged with Cyber Harassment towards fellow Tiktoker Azziad Nasenya.

Speaking to journalists, Azziad's lawyer said in the case an apology is issued by Chira, it is solely Nasenya's decision to make on whether to forgive or not.

"The issue is between Chira and Azziad, in the event that Chira is willing to issue an apology, then Azziad is at liberty to accept it," she said

"In the event she accepts it, then they'll come to court, inform the court of what they have agreed as individuals and the court cannot be opposed to it."

She explained Chira's lawyer will go to Azziad's lawyer and ask to do a public apology commensurate with the way she was offended.

"If the parties can agree, then that's it."

On whether Nasenya is looking to get monetary compensation, she said;

"What is in court today is a criminal case, which does not award damages. What the court can do is declare you guilty or not guilty. If you are guilty there's payment of fines or imprisonment."

Peter Kawa, Azziad's manager was asked whether the TikToker had lost deals as a result of what had occurred.

"It is never about how many jobs she has lost or how many contracts she has lost. She is also a human being and has emotions like any other person."

Adding, "Right now we are not looking at how many deals she has lost but her mental state, how does she feel. She was wronged and she found refuge behind the law."

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