His daughter is finally a teen

Proud J Blessing shows off stunning teenage daughter for the last time ever! (photo)


• J blessing wished his teenage daughter Chantelle a happy birthday while saying he would fight anyone who asks about her.

Jibril Blessing
Image: Instagram

J Blessing or Father Abraham as some Kenyans call him, for the many children he has with so many key public figures and celebrities.

The celeb has now taken to wish his teenage daughter who is named like one of his exes, Chantelle, the former Tokelezea hit singer.

Celebrating her birthday he posted a picture of the two of them on his Instagram stories with a very hilarious caption while wishing her a happy birthday.

The caption read, " Now that you are a teenager, I'm not going to post you on social media again, since staki kupiga watu. Happy Birthday my baby."

His caption was directly aimed at the people who might try to go and slide up his beautiful daughter's DMs , he is just being a protective father.

The producer went on to post two screenshots of guys who had replied to the picture showing what he has to deal with.

The two fans were asking for the girl's number and Instagram handle, wanting to be friends but the director gave them false details and some warning.

The young man is one of the few artists who is able to co-parent peacefully with his baby mamas and is always present in the lives of his kids.

We recently saw him present at the birthday of his son whom he has sired with radio presenter, Mwende Macharia.

The man's children are all a spitting image of him and they all look alike and one cannot deny him being their father.

The cinematographer has also been rumoured to be the father of musician Avril's son but those claims had been disputed.

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