Winnie Odinga reveals never before known facts about late Esir

The young lady is the ex prime minister's daughter.


• Winnie Odinga, shares some of the cultural shocks she got studying at an international school.

Winnie Odinga.
Image: Instagram

Winne Odinga while speaking on the Iko Nini podcast narrated some of the things that shocked her while studying at an international school.

The young lady speaks of how she went to the same school with the late E-sir that was in Brookhouse although he finished before her joining.

"He was older than me and I joined when he just left but when you got to that school his presence was there as he was an exemplary student."

The ex-prime minister's daughter said that the late musician was just not only good in music but he was on the awards list for top performers in the school.

"Best in maths, best in sciences you would find E-sir was there and even when he passed he was a legendary because no one could surpass the records he had set."

She went on to explain how with E-sir he was just an exemplary student and very few people actually know that about his life.

Winnie says studying in an international school had its own cultural shocks for her and she got to understand why they speak in a certain way.

"You know I got there, and you are used to speaking in a certain way and then the school population is almost pure wazungu's so you have to speak in a certain manner."

She said that Kenya is really leading in the education system and that's why we see very many foreigners coming to study in our international schools.

"That was the first place, I got to hear of parents being divorced like you see someone's father coming to visiting day with the new girlfriend and the other parent is there too."

To her, this was a culture shock as she was not used to seeing such scenarios, and to them she feels like things like divorce comes with class.

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