I lost friends! Former Kiss TV host Angeline Wanjeri shares experience dating a married man

Wanjeri says she was so embarrassed to ask for help given the many times she had disappointed her dad.

• Wanjeri would use her house items and her phone to take loans.

• She stayed without a smart phone for two years.

ex-Kiss 100 host Angeline Wanjeri

Former Kiss TV presenter Angeline Wanjeri has shared her experience dating a married man.

The soft-spoken presenter in an interview with Lynn Ngugi says she did not leave the man despite his status.

"Around my 8th year in the media, I started dating a married man.

I knew of his status a bit later and even when I found out I didn't leave, I was in love.

I moved out of home and not in a good way, and started leaving with him, I never left home in a good way, my dad and I never talked for two years."

Why didn't she leave when she found out her bae was married

"He told me his relationship was over and that he was going to get a divorce. As far as I knew things were done.

People would talk behind my back and not on a good note.

Plus I was in love. I didn't care about anybody or anything else, I was very selfish.

That was my second biggest mistake."

Wanjeri says when the relationship ended she was feeling lost and had to reach out to her dad whom she had not talked about in years.

"When the relationship ended,

It was a very toxic relationship, people were concerned because I wasn't looking the same, I used to drink a lot.

I lost friends and credibility. 

The married man was taking care of the bills and everything

When the relationship ended I called my dad, he only picked up my calls at the fourth ring."


"I told him I was sorry and asked him to forgive me. He asked me to pack my stuff and go to my sister's place.

He later helped me pay rent which was around 20K.

That was the first time I was on my own."

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